The Road to Success
The = Definite article – Indicates something specific. We must be specific about:
H – Hope - If there is no hope, there is no dream, no goal, no objectives, and no action.
E – Expenditure of Energy. Nothing will happen without work.
Road = Indicates process. We must fall in love with the process of moving toward success, not just the outcome.
O -=
A = Attitude – The way we approach life (attitude) determines the heights we attain (altitude).
D = Destination – Roads go places. Always have the desired destination in mind.
To = A tiny preposition. It denotes direction. Success is gradually, purposefully, progressively, and with determination, moving toward our worthwhile ideals.
O = Obligatory opposition. You must pass this way and there will be resistance to your success.
Success = “… the progressive realization of a worthwhile ideal” (Earl Nightingale).
U = Unleash your inner force. Call upon a strength lying dormant in you,
C = Chart your course. Know where you are going and your game plan for getting there.
C = Consider that the course is a concourse. You are not alone.
E = Enforce discipline upon yourself for your own success.
S = Stay the course. There will be many diversions and temptations along the way.
S = Stay the course (Saying it just once is not enough.).
© Copyright, 2005, Thomas B. Sims, All Rights Reserved
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